Fra Kristent Fellesskaps påskekonferanse i Kristkirken 2011 |
Det er flott når unge mennesker står fram med sin tro og vitner om en Gud som helbreder og gjenoppretter. Takk til Emmeline som klarte å stå foran 500-600 mennesker og fortelle sitt vitnesbyrd på Påskekonferansen i Kristkirkens lokaler onsdag kveld. Du er til oppmuntring for alle oss andre.
Let Jesus become the Lord of your life
was the testimony of a young woman from Askøy, who told about always
being a Christian, but only a few months ago she started letting
Jesus be the Lord of her life. She told that she and her boyfriend
had accepted Jesus as their Savior and Lord, and how this had
affected others to start believing in our Lord Jesus Christ.
great when young people are open about their faith and testify about
a God who heals and restores. Thanks to Emmeline who managed to stand
in front of 500-600 people and share her testimony at the Easter
Conference in Christ’s Church Wednesday night. You are an
encouragement to all of us.